Winter Update Coming Soon!
Blessings for a happy New Year filled with peace, happiness and success to you and your family! Please come in out of the rain and warm yourself by the fire that awaits you in the Antiques section! We are so glad you are here and hope you enjoy your visit with us!Baby it's cold outside but I have just the thing that will warm your heart and soul instantly! I have compiled a little collection of imagery along with a heartfelt story that reminds me of warm cozy comfort when the wind outside is howling bringing chilly weather right up to the doorstep! Please scroll down to view and hopefully this will keep Old Man Winter at bay for awhile! Don't forget the Hot Cocoa! Yum!

An array of Winter woolens laid in an antique basket by the door not only look warm and inviting but can be easily grabbed on your way out to keep your hands toasty warm! Don't forget the car keys! :)

A breathtaking winter setting awaits the dawns early light and is the end result of last nights winter storm! As you gaze out the window shielded from the cold you realize how blessed you are to be warm and safe in your cozy home.

As you check on the livestock around the house you are pleasantly surprised to find "all is well"! Our little bundles of fur take very good care of themselves and absolutely know how to stay snuggly warm on a day like this! The dogs ear provides a comfortable "make ~ do" blanket for the quite contented kitty cat! Prrrrrr!

As you stroll off to the kitchen you decide a cup of hot cocoa is well deserved and the "tried and true" old fashioned recipe you have is a perfect remedy for this chilly morn! Recipe is below and available for download.
Combine the cocoa, sugar and pinch of salt in a saucepan. Blend in the boiling water. Bring this mixture to an easy boil while you stir. Simmer and stir for about 2 minutes. Watch that it doesn't scorch. Stir in 3 1/2 cups of milk and heat until very hot, but do not boil! Remove from heat and add vanilla. Divide between 4 mugs. Add the cream to the mugs of cocoa to cool it to drinking temperature. Makes four servings and is ready in seven minutes! Yum!

While looking out the kitchen window enjoying your hot cocoa, which is sheer comfort to the soul, you notice the neighborhood landscape is dotted with red Union Suits hanging on a clothesline of all things! But of course your neighbor was always a little on the strange side anyway! Yikes!

After this ordeal you would like to retreat to your bedroom, get under the covers, enjoy the fire and cozy up with a nice country decorating magazine like "Mercantile Gatherings"! There is a Putz Sheep article you have been interested in reading about (written by me by the way!) :) Of course this sheep related theme makes you fall fast asleep without even counting nary a one!

When you awake you realize you had better get dinner started and head off to the Keeping Room to prepare the meal.

The crane holds a cast iron pot filled with delicious stew! The wonderful aroma permeates the entire house and this will be quite a meal that is perfect for a cold winter's evening.

When you pass by a picturesque window that leads to the backyard forest you are in awe of the gorgeous sunset this day brings. Soft amber light from the waning sun seems to gently kiss the stream with soft rays that make their way through the trees. Isn't nature gorgeous in all her glory! The hollow wind can be heard but the heat from the fire keeps the chill away from this warm homestead.

Soups on and boy will it taste good!!! Oh, I'm getting so hungry!!

Dinner's on and what a feast!!! The livestock have finally awakened to hopefully partake in this wonderful meal and gather in the kitchen while the kitten lays on the warm hearth with eyes fixated on the dancing flames. The rest of the family is now home and seated at the table. Prayers are said and the meal is enjoyed by all. Another storm is on it's way but this warm farmhouse shelters this family and provides comfort to all! Happy New Year and I hope that it will be a good one filled with blessings for each and every one of you!! :)
I sure hope your day is going better than this poor Hen's! Thanks so much for stopping by! :)

Many fresh offerings of antiques blended with whimsical ideas will be added daily. I hope you are able to visit often. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me! I am always here to help! :)

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Thank you, have fun and Enjoy!
What is up on the site is just a small portion of what I have available. Many ~New Offerings~ to look forward to including fresh Artistic Creations.

In dedication and tribute with all my love to Simca and Friends!
Amy, my graphic artist deserves recognition for all of the wonderful hard work, dedication and talent she added to this site. Without her help, this journey would never have been possible. I have been truly blessed to have found her! Thank you Amy for making my dream a reality!
All Rights Reserved ©2007-2018 Fanatic's Country Attic
Graphics by Amybug’s Attic and Deb's Lost Treasures