I absolutely adore Autumn, don't you? One of the things I think all of us enjoy is to fill our finest primitive wooden bowls, carriers and boxes with gourds, dried corn, pumpkins and other related pleasantries that appeal to us.
This primitive carrier is all decked out for Autumn and awaits a primitive homestead where it will flatter any table it is placed on. Everything pictured will accompany this unusual offering that even includes a Tommy Stick and a candle! Typically, as is the case with most of my gatherings, there is allot going on and offered! :)
This farm carrier is just bursting with character, charm and wonderful surface wear! There are about three little holes in the front, back and side that lend a neat time worn appearance. Appropriate nail bleed is clearly visible and shows off well against the soft maple hue in the wood. This turn of the century piece was fashioned from pine and small knots are sprinkled randomly throughout. The top of the handle does have some deep scratches limited to one area only and there is also a chip of wood missing in the front as referenced in images 8 & 14. This little guy was certainly a favorite among his owner and got used quite often!
There is also a crack that runs horizontally through the handle on the front and the back side. See images 7 & 11. The handle does wiggle a little but is still intact as this piece was very well made boasting many nails on each side to reinforce the handle as well as the bottom. See images 16, 18 & 22. Did I mention the fabulous surface with oodles of dark areas in the wood that almost feather into a warm cognac hue that only time can lend? Wow!
I was able to find a very nice rendition of a Tommy Stick that just hooks on the top of the wood carrier. The point is sharp so if you gently push it into the top edge of the carrier, you are good to go! The legend of the Tommy Stick is very interesting and started with a man named Tommy who invented this piece to be carried to the barn in the evenings while he checked on the animals. The end of this piece is also sharp and was suppose to be driven into the barn beam to hold the lit candle in place where it would be secured. This is also called "Sticking Tommy" and was referenced after the name of the inventor. This unusual lighting device is also equated with early mining lights.
An original Tommy Stick can fetch over $85.00! This one has such a great look and is certainly reasonable as it comes with the carrier. This complete gathering costs less than the price of an original Tommy Stick!
Small primitive gourds were chosen to fill the front of the box and an old tart tin filled with Roving Wool and acorns sits on top of a beeswax corn cob located on the opposite side. I dried a piece of corn in the husk and wrapped it with chocolate brown homespun. The other piece of blackened corn used is made of beeswax and smells wonderful! I tucked this into some honey burlap and added corn husks and broom corn to create texture and color .
I also included a real Turkey Feather so if you decide to use this as a table decoration for Thanksgiving it would transition into this holiday with ease.
The final item I incorporated is a very primitive Root Tree fashioned from branches that remind me of roots from the swampland's or marshes of Louisiana. I used a seedling starter pot that I painted in chocolate brown, stuck the root tree inside and used pebbles to weigh it down. Ornamental Poppy was also mixed in with the Root Tree. Wha ~ La!
This One ~ Of ~ A ~ Kind Autumn gathering is very special because of the versatility the carrier has to offer even at Christmas filled with greens and berries lit up at the table or on a deep windowsill to "bid ye welcome"! The only dilemma that may be attached to this purchase is where exactly to display it as it holds so many decorating possibilities for your homestead! Enjoy!
The carrier stands almost 7" Tall including the handle, 6" without the handle measurement, 12" Across & 9 1/2" Deep. The divided area form front to back of handle is 4". The second divided compartment measures 3" from front handle to the back. The dried ear of corn stands 9" Tall by 2" across the widest point. Tommy Stick is 9 1/2" Long, 2" @ the widest point where the oval circle is located & 2 1/4" @ the tallest point where the hook is located. The candle is about 4" Tall. The primitive gourds vary in size from 5" Tall to almost 6" Tall which includes the stem measurement. Scented beeswax corn cob used under the tart tin with the acorns is 1" Tall by 1 1/2" across. The burlap piece with the blackened beeswax corn tucked in is 9" Tall by 3" across @ the widest point. Turkey Feather is almost 11" Tall by 2 1/2" Wide. The tart tin is 3 1/2" @ the longest point, 2" Across & stands 1/4" tall. Acorn sizes vary 1" size is the largest. Root Tree stands 14" tall including the base measurement to the top of the tallest root, & 7" Across.